I sat across from a sweet woman I had come to know and genuinely care for. I sat with her husband Dan many times while he was on hospice care, talking about baseball and one of his main passions, grilling. We chatted for a few minutes, and then she handed …
Certified pet therapy dogs have been an integral part of the LightBridge integrative therapy program for many years. Based on the patient's medical needs and preferences, a therapy dog can sometimes be the best medicine to bring a sense of calm and enjoyment to the patient.
“I felt as though I had been tossed a lifeline,” says Marilynn of her experience with LightBridge Hospice in the final weeks of her late husband Lou's life. “The team that was put together for us could not have suited us better.” Lou and Marilynn approached hospice care at the advanced stages …
As the holiday season approaches, many memories and feelings come to mind. It is a time to be with family and celebrate religious and cultural traditions. However, for many hospice patients travel or participating in customs can be difficult or even impossible.
She carried that well known red and white paper bag to the front door. She could smell the aromas from the fresh-cut fries and grilled hamburger patty. She knocked, the door opened, and she walked in with a big smile. He was beaming, and his eyes lit up as he …
Volunteers - The Special Ingredient

Volunteers – The Special Ingredient

I sat across from a sweet woman I had come to know and genuinely care for. I sat with her husband Dan many times while he was on hospice care, talking about baseball and one of his main passions, grilling. We chatted for a few minutes, and then she handed …

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Innovation Provides Better Care

Innovation Provides Better Care

Certified pet therapy dogs have been an integral part of the LightBridge integrative therapy program for many years. Based on the patient’s medical needs and preferences, a therapy dog can sometimes be the best medicine to bring a sense of calm and enjoyment to the patient.

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A Wife's Journey

A Wife’s Journey

“I felt as though I had been tossed a lifeline,” says Marilynn of her experience with LightBridge Hospice in the final weeks of her late husband Lou’s life. “The team that was put together for us could not have suited us better.” Lou and Marilynn approached hospice care at the advanced stages …

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A Sweet Celebration

A Sweet Celebration

As the holiday season approaches, many memories and feelings come to mind. It is a time to be with family and celebrate religious and cultural traditions. However, for many hospice patients travel or participating in customs can be difficult or even impossible.

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The Simple Things in Life

The Simple Things in Life

She carried that well known red and white paper bag to the front door. She could smell the aromas from the fresh-cut fries and grilled hamburger patty. She knocked, the door opened, and she walked in with a big smile. He was beaming, and his eyes lit up as he …

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