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Caring from the Heart
“As a Spiritual Care Counselor (SCC), being present with patients on this journey allows one to be in touch with the priorities of life, death, love, and family. Walking this journey is very intimate, and being present with someone as they reflect on their life is truly a sacred experience. …

The Value of a Hospice Volunteer
A Shining Light
The stresses of the hospice journey can be an overwhelming time for both patients and their families. “As a hospice volunteer, it’s about being there, supporting, and helping however we can,” says Charisse, a longtime volunteer with LightBridge. Hospice volunteers provide emotional and social support in these …

The Gift Hospice Provided
The decision to put a loved one on hospice is never easy, but it is a decision many of us will have to make. Diane, the daughter of a LightBridge Hospice patient, explains how LightBridge Hospice came alongside not only her mother but was also there as an extra layer …

Our Commitment During Unprecedented Times
When the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent federal and state regulations/guidance and the county health order first affected our community a few months ago, we made many important decisions. We shared our desire and commitment to be transparent and provide helpful and useful information about COVID-19 and our efforts to respond …

Honoring Our Brave Men and Women
“Most honor ceremony candidates and veterans have never been recognized for their service, which is why we’re here,” says Captain Wil, a volunteer with LightBridge Hospice’s We Honor Veterans program. He and other military volunteers conduct Honor Ceremonies designed to formally recognize military veterans receiving hospice care for their outstanding …