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LightBridge Attains Partner Level 4 in We Honor Veterans Program
LightBridge Hospice & Palliative Care has just attained Partner Level 4 in the We Honor Veterans program. To reach this pinnacle level, LightBridge focused on increasing access to and improving the quality of care Veterans received in the San Diego community. Many steps were taken, including increasing the integration of …
LightBridge Acknowledges Volunteers
In honor of Volunteer Appreciation Month, LightBridge Hospice acknowledges their volunteers and the dedication and commitment they have to their patients and LightBridge!
LightBridge Recognizes National Cancer Control Month
This year, an estimated half million Americans will lose their lives to cancer, and three times that many will be diagnosed with this devastating illness. Cancer patients are parents and grandparents, children and cherished friends; the disease touches almost all of us and casts a shadow over families and communities …
LightBridge Acknowledges Volunteers
In honor of Volunteer Appreciation Month, LightBridge Hospice acknowledges their volunteers and the dedication and commitment they have to their patients and LightBridge!
LightBridge Honors Local Veterans
LightBridge recently hosted a Veteran honor ceremony at Solaris Senior Living. We had the privilege to thank a very special group of Veterans for their service and the sacrifices they made for our country. During our honor ceremonies we present pillows to the Veterans sewn from the uniforms of their …