Donate to Ohr Ami

Sending Donations

Making a contribution to Ohr Ami is a meaningful way to fulfill the time-honored tradition of tzedakah, giving to a worthy cause, in memory of a friend or relative, on the occasion of a yahrzeit, and at those times during the year when Yizkor is recited. It can also be a way of honoring someone on a special occasion or simply a means of supporting end-of-life care in the San Diego Jewish community.

Ohr Ami accepts donations via the non-profit LightBridge Hospice Community Foundation. LightBridge Hospice Community Foundation is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501 ( C ) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, all charitable donations are tax exempt for both income and estate tax purposes.

Click to make a donation to the Dedicated Funds Program: Ohr Ami 
Checks should be payable to the LIGHTBRIDGE HOSPICE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION with a notation for the Jewish Hospice Program Fund.

Please mail donations to:
Ohr Ami Jewish Hospice Program Fund
LightBridge Hospice Community Foundation
6155 Cornerstone Court East, Suite 220
San Diego, CA 92121

An acknowledgement letter will be sent to each donor. We also provide a note to the honoree or family informing them of the gifts received on behalf of their loved one. Gift amounts are never disclosed.

For more information or if you have any questions please call 858-458-3602.

Thank you for your generosity!